Yesterday was my last official day at my part-time job. I had previously taken a smaller leap of faith by requesting to go from full-time to part-time back in August. That was good enough for a while... until it wasn't.
I just had a feeling that the job was keeping me from other opportunities, or other dreams from coming true. As long as I kept the job, and the steady paycheck it offered, I wasn't fully trusting the Universe. I was holding myself back.
So, as I said, yesterday I submitted my final timesheet to my supervisor. And today I got a follow-up email about an at-home job that I applied for nearly a year ago!
I applied for this job at the same time as I applied for the job I just quit. This other job is for an at-home scorer of standardized tests. It's perfect for me. I would get to work from home, and do something I enjoy doing (grading/scoring). Even when I worked as a teacher, I always enjoyed grading papers (something many teachers abhor).
Well, I applied for the job in January or February of 2014 and never heard... until now.
I don't have the job just yet. What I got in the email was an invitation to take an employment survey to see if I still qualify for the job and if I'm a good candidate. I submitted the survey. We will see.
The scoring position is very flexible and won't preclude me from pursuing other interests. It's also short-term. I could basically do as much or as little as I wanted, and would get paid in relation to how much I scored.
Yesterday I was really struggling with the status of my life right now. I'm 37 and feel like I'm in the middle of nowhere. Even though it's been 100% my choice to leave former jobs and try something new... and I've never regretted any of those decisions (until recently), I find myself at this point in my life feeling envious of people who've been in their careers for years and are considered experts in their fields.
I'm definitely a jack-of-all-trades and expert of none, as they say.
And as I said, that was fine with me... until now.
The lesson I got today was that it's not too late. New opportunities WILL present themselves. The Universe will continue to provide for me. All I have to do is take a step when I feel it's time. And the next step will come into focus.
Hey you are not the only one who feel like they are in the middle of nowhere. I am 34 and I feel the same way. I do not have a steady job, sort to speak. I teach English to Polish people on a freelance basis. And planning for the future seems like a joke. All I want to is to move to London and attend drama school and get work as an actress, not as an English teacher. I kind of know how you feel. I wish there was a way out for me.